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About Us - The Boring Version

Hope you enjoyed the Comic Version of our “about us”, we plan to get more installments so keep checking back! If you haven't seen it yet go now by clicking here!

Some quick facts about us “tldr”

  • our vision is to be; straight forward. Transparent. Evolve.
  • we are in beta.
  • we build our own.
  • we sell what we like.
  • we are a experimenting with an online community marketplace and hope to make it permanent
  • we are new to this and request your understanding as we try to better ourselves. As a result; we will not forget our early adopters and make sure you are rewarded for the much appreciated loyalty and understanding.

The market place / our portfolio

Projectdukkan is an online market place that enables third parties to use the website as their own selling platform, selling side by side our own portfolio. Buying from the website does not imply you are automatically purchasing from us, therefore we would request you to please always make sure you do a quick check on the sellers name and reputation while understanding we cannot be held liable for your purchase. That being said, we will however do everything in our power to make your buying and selling experience a positive one by protecting you; keeping in mind we are in this for the long haul.

So who are we really?

We are basically a dynamic team with strong roots in dubai, most of us being here since birth and having strong links via emirati families has enabled a true connection with the country, we believe this connection helps us to understand it further. We are here to improve things, improve ourselves and contribute to the community. With a modest start-up capital, we can't be as aggressive as some of our heavily backed competitors, but keeping things relatively small will help us focus and connect to you much better. Over time we will indulge in "never done before" and try and improve the already done, we will make mistakes, we will regret them but we will evolve. We encourage suggestions, criticism and such as we strive to be an ever changing portal and treat our entire service as one big evolving piece for software.

Our promise

Having strong work ethics while being community driven; minus the greed, and a combination of transparency would enable us to activate a solid reputation, a reputation in a market where consumers have a difficult time trusting retail stores, let alone online outlets. From treating employee’s right and investing in their future, all derived growth in terms of market value would be spread throughout the firm. Apart from the obvious, being profit driven and investor satisfaction; the core intention of the founders i.e. giving back to the community is something that would buried deep into the day to day operations of this firms bloodline. Community here is combination of the entire atmosphere; environmental and animal concerns together with the betterment of mankind, betterment from technological and medical related enhancements to simply helping establishment of educational systems. Being charitable would be very simple with a few donations here and there, but with complete involvement (backing and support), the provided help would equate to a richer giving back philosophy without those middle men and any pointless bureaucratic red tape lunacy that we have all come to love :d. This part of the organization would be activated once financial stability is acquired, and a forecasted profitable future is acknowledged by all involved partners based on; hard facts and statistical analysis/data.


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